@extends('layouts.app') @section('title') Employee Detail @stop @section('breadcrumb') @stop @section('css') @stop @section('content')


{{$HrmEmployeeDesignation ? $HrmEmployeeDesignation->designation->name : ''}}

Date of Joining

{{date("d-m-Y", strtotime($HrmEmployees->companyDetail ? $HrmEmployees->companyDetail->date_of_joining : ''))}}


{{$HrmEmployeeDepartment ? $HrmEmployeeDepartment->department->department_name : ''}}

Basic Information

CNIC {{$HrmEmployees->cnic}}
Gender {{$HrmEmployees->gender}}
Date oF Birth {{date("d-m-Y", strtotime($HrmEmployees->dob))}}
Phone Number {{$HrmEmployees->phone_no}}
Residental Address {{$HrmEmployees->residential_address}}
Permanent Address {{$HrmEmployees->pemanent_address}}
Email {{$HrmEmployees->email}}
@if($HrmEmployeeDepartment != null)

Company Details

Employee Code {{$HrmEmployees->companyDetail->employee_code}}
Date of Joining {{$HrmEmployees->companyDetail->date_of_joining}}
Monthly Salary {{number_format($HrmEmployees->companyDetail->monthly_salary)}}
Designation {{$HrmEmployeeDesignation ? $HrmEmployeeDesignation->designation->name : ''}}
Contract Type @if($HrmEmployees->companyDetail->contract_type=='full_time') {{"Full Time"}} @else {{"Contract"}} @endif
@endif @if($HrmEmployees->accountDetail)

Account Details

Accoun Holder Name {{$HrmEmployees->accountDetail->account_holder_name}}
Bank Name {{$HrmEmployees->accountDetail->bank_name}}
Location {{$HrmEmployees->accountDetail->branch_location}}
Account No {{$HrmEmployees->accountDetail->account_no}}
Bank Code {{$HrmEmployees->accountDetail->bank_code}}
@endif {{-- file bank --}}

File Bank

 Add New
@foreach($employee_document as $d)

@if(strpos($d->certificate, 'docx') !== false) @elseif(strpos( $d->certificate,'pdf') !== false) @else @endif

@if(strpos($d->certificate, 'docx') !== false)  Download            @else  Preview    Download   @endif  Delete

Payroll History

Month / Year Earning Tax Deduction Net Salary Action
{{date('F', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month))}} / {{$year_}} {{number_format($total_calculated_monthly_earning)}} {{number_format($total_calculated_monthly_tax)}} {{number_format($total_monthly_deduction)}} {{number_format($total_calculated_monthly_earning - $total_monthly_deduction - $total_calculated_monthly_tax)}} @if($already_exist == 0)
@else {{'PaySlip Not Generate'}} @endif

Attendance History

Monthly Attendance Report


{{ date('F', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 10)) }}, {{$year_}}

@php $num_of_days = $num_of_days @endphp @for($i=1; $i<=$num_of_days; $i++) @php $day = $i; $date = null; $present_absent = '-'; $check_in = '-'; $checkout = '-'; $name = '-'; @endphp @if($employee_attendance->count() > 0 ) @foreach($employee_attendance as $key=>$attendance) @php $employee = \App\HrmEmployee::find($attendance->employ_id); $user = \App\User::find($attendance->user_id); if(date('d',strtotime($attendance->date)) == $i) { $date = date('d-D',strtotime($attendance->date)); $present_absent = $attendance->present_absent; $check_in = date('h:i a',strtotime($attendance->checkin)); $checkout = date('h:i a',strtotime($attendance->checkout)); $status = $attendance->status; $name = $user->name; } @endphp @endforeach @endif @endfor
Date Status CheckIn CheckOut Time Created By
@if(!empty($date)) {{$date}} @php $Day = ""; $flag = 0; for ($z=3; $z < 6; $z++) { $Day = $Day.$date[$z]; } $len = count($offday); for($y=0; $y<$len; $y++){ if ($offday[$y] == $Day) { $flag = 1; } } @endphp @else {{$D = date('d-D' , strtotime($i.'-'.$month.'-'.$year_))}} @php $Day = ""; $flag = 0; for ($z=3; $z < 6; $z++) { $Day = $Day.$D[$z]; } $len = count($offday); for($y=0; $y<$len; $y++){ if ($offday[$y] == $Day) { $flag = 1; } } @endphp @endif @if($flag == 1) offday @else @if( $present_absent=='1' ) Present @elseif($present_absent=='0') Absent @elseif( $present_absent== '2') Leave @else - @endif @endif @if( $present_absent != '-' && $present_absent != '2' && $present_absent != '0' ) {{$check_in}} @else - @endif @if($present_absent != '-' && $present_absent != '2' && $present_absent != '0') {{$checkout}} @else - @endif @if($flag == 1) offday @else @if($present_absent== '1') @if($status ) OnTime @else Late @endif @elseif( $present_absent== '0') Absent @elseif($present_absent=='2') Leave @else - @endif @endif {{$name}}
Medical leave : {{$employee_medical_leaves }} , ( Remaining : {{ $employee_medical_leaves - $medical_leave }})
Anual Leaves : {{$employee_anual_leaves}} , ( Remaining : {{ $employee_anual_leaves - $anual_leave }})
Other Leaves : {{$employee_other_leaves}} , ( Remaining : {{$employee_other_leaves - $other_leave}} )
Special Leaves : {{$employee_special_leaves}} , ( Remaining : {{ $employee_special_leaves - $special_leave }})
Weekend Leaves : {{$employee_weekend_leaves}} , ( Remaining : {{$employee_weekend_leaves -$weekend_leave }})
Presents for {{ date('F', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 10)) }}, {{$year_}} : {{$presents}}
Absents for {{ date('F', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 10)) }}, {{$year_ }} : {{$absents}}
Leaves for {{ date('F', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 10)) }}, {{$year_}} : {{$leaves}}
Ontime for {{ date('F', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 10)) }}, {{$year_}} : {{$ontime}}
Late for {{ date('F', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 10)) }}, {{$year_}} : {{$late}}

{{-- file modele --}} {{-- end file model --}} @stop @section('js') @stop