@extends( 'layouts.app' ) @section('title') Provisional Letter of Customer Statement @stop @section('css') @section('content')

Provisional Allotment Letter

Registration Number: {{$property->membership_no}}
Name: {{$property->customer->name}}
Provisional Allotment: No. {{$property->id}}
CNIC: {{$property->customer->cnic}}

Address: {{$property->customer->address}} {{$property->customer->city ? ','.$property->customer->city->name.','.$property->customer->city->country->name : ''}}

Subject: PROVISIONAL ALLOTMENT OF {{$property->inventory->unitCategory->name}} IN PARADIGM GREENS ISLAMABAD

Dear Sir,

M/s Paradigm Greens Islamabad pleased to provisionally allot you a {{$property->inventory->unitCategory->name}} {{$property->inventory->unit_number}} Size {{$property->inventory->unitSize->name}} sqft in Paradigm Greens Islamabad. This Provisional Allotment is subject to fulfillment of terms & conditions as detailed mentioned over leaf and rules and regulations of M/s Paradigm Greens Islamabad. This Provisional allotment is given by Paradigm Greens after receiving 10 percent amount of unit.

        We are looking forward to join the Paradigm Greens.





Malik Arif Hussain
Paradigm Developer
Shakeel Javed
Chief Executive

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